- プルトニウムの核燃料{かくねんりょう}への利用{りよう}を反対{はんたい}する
oppose the use of plutonium for reactor fuel 意味
- "oppose the sale of the company to" 意味
- "oppose the security treaties with" 意味
- "oppose the tendency toward" 意味
- "oppose the transport of weapons and ammunitions during logistic support operations" 意味
- "oppose the use of" 意味
- "oppose the war in" 意味
- "oppose to" 意味
- "oppose to all nuclear testing" 意味
- "oppose to northern ireland's peace accord" 意味
- "oppose the transport of weapons and ammunitions during logistic support operations" 意味
- "oppose the use of" 意味
- "oppose the war in" 意味
- "oppose to" 意味